
Dunkeldorf - 28mm Fantasy RPG Townsfolk Miniatures

Created by King Games

Dunkeldorf Miniatures - A line of characterful 28mm fantasy townsfolk miniatures for RPGs and Tabletop Gaming.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Pictures & More
about 5 years ago – Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 06:18:18 PM

Hey everybody! 

We have a couple of pictures to show all of you along with some information on the upcoming Pledge Manager and finally the Community Posters :) 

The New Pictures

Leopold the Ogre Bouncer

Sonny completely redid the head of Leopold, and he's even better than before! He really did an amazing job and we can't wait to see this guy painted up! Other minor changes include a little pouch on his back and a feather in his hat. 

Matt Doe, a backer of the project suggested a club for the backside, which we really liked, but ultimately decided that we would keep it more simple with the pouch. Hopefully you guys can add some extra stuff if you feel it's necessary! 

Personally I'm head over heels for this ogre, and love the new face. But, if you have already upped your pledge for the ogre and you don't like the revised version, we can of course get it sorted out! Just let us know and we'll find a solution :)

Scale comparison of Leopold next to some other ogres coming next week before the Pledge Manager goes live!

Linus Witzner, Herman's Manservant

Here's a look at Linus Witzner, Herman's loyal manservant, who does what his master bids without asking questions! We wanted the final stretch goal character to have a pretty simple design so he wouldn't end up taking too long to finish. But despite the simple design he ended up with a lot of character and I can definitely see this one being used for a lot of different characters!

That's it for the new pictures. Next week we'll show a painted version of Stella Kaufmann along with pictures of the remaining stuff we haven't shown yet!

The Pledge Manager

We've been working a lot on the Pledge Manager and it's almost ready to launch. But since Easter is upon us we have decided to wait until next week. We'll write a new update next week dedicated to the Pledge Manager. But here's a bit of info. 

  • You can upgrade your Pledge to a higher tier Pledge if you wish
  • People who didn't manage to Pledge during the Kickstarter can jump aboard in the Pledge Manager as a "Late Pledger"
  • You can pay with Paypal or VISA for shipping and any Add-ons you wish
  • The Pledge Manager will be up for at least a month

We're using Backerkit for our Pledge Manager - Nana and I have been very happy with Kickstarters we have backed that were using this Platform, so it was the obvious choice for us. 

The Community Posters

We have gathered the ideas we got from you for the Community Posters and we have decided not to do a vote since we'll be able to make around 80% of the ideas from you! We'll do an extra poster, so a total of 6, based on the ideas from you and perhaps an original idea of our own for the 6th (We'll see). Unfortunately we can't do all the ideas, as some of them were a bit vague or contained too much text. 

Hopefully you'll be happy with the results, Mustafa will get to work and we'll show them as soon as possible. Once these posters are done we'll create a PDF file with all the posters that will be available to download. 

Have a lovely day! :)

Community Posters & More
about 5 years ago – Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 01:49:28 AM

Hey folks, time for a new Dunkeldorf update!

The Community Posters

You helped us unlock a total of 5 community posters and we need your ideas now! We have a few guidelines for these ideas: 

  • They should be fantasy themed - But not necessarily Dunkeldorf related
  • You can come up with as many ideas as you want (We might pick those we think are best for the voting process if you come up with a lot)
  • They can't contain Copyrighted symbols, names etc. 

You can write your ideas either here in the comment section of this update, in the general comments of the Kickstarter or in the comments in this here Facebook post: Dunkeldorf Facebook  - We'll go through all 3 places and gather them all.  

We hope you want to participate and give us some ideas - Mustafa has sharpened his pencils and is totally ready! 

We'll put up a Facebook post where you'll be able to vote next week (Or perhaps another voting system if we find something more suited)

The 18 Dunkeldorf Miniature Posters

Below you can see the 18 Posters that were unlocked as Stretch Goals during the campaign. These will be available as a PDF file. We plan on making variations both in size and colour of all of them. You might be able to find some inspiration for your ideas here.

The Dunkeldorf Mugs

We have a large spreadsheet with all the Noble backers and will use a number generator to pick the winners of the Dunkeldorf Mugs. But we're not completely sure if we should just surprise the winners or actually announce them. Seeing as some people might not want their profile name announced we're a bit torn on which option to go for.

The safe option without offending anyone, is the surprise mug - So right now that's the plan, unless a huge mob with pitchforks and torches demands to know the winners in advance ;)

Error on Payments

We still have some backers who have been getting errors on their payment. I believe that you only have a couple of days left to sort out the payment issue otherwise Kickstarter will automatically delete your pledge. Kickstarter is sending out mails every 48 hours with a link to fix the payment problem - So please check your spam filter to make sure you haven't missed such a mail. 

We'll send out a personal message through Kickstarter tomorrow as the final warning before Kickstarter automatically deletes your pledge on Thursday. 

Below you can see the information we have received from Kickstarter regarding this matter 

  • We will send backers with errored pledges an email every 48 hours with a link to fix the issue.
  • Backers may also log in to the Kickstarter account from which they pledged to follow the 'Fix Payment' link
  • Backers have 7 days to fix their pledges by updating their credit card information.

The Pledge Manager

We're working on the Pledge Manager - We're hoping to have it up late next week. Remember that you'll be able to late pledge and even pay with Paypal, if you missed out on the Kickstarter campaign.

To those of you not too familiar with Kickstarters or Pledge Managers. The Pledge Manager is basically where you fill out your shipping information, choose which add-ons you wish and so on. 

The Pledge Manager will be up for 1-1½ month. So you'll have some time to pay for shipping and any Add-ons you wish to purchase. Payment for the shipping and add-ons will be charged as soon as you complete the final step in the Pledge Manager, so keep that in mind :) 

More info on the Pledge Manager next week though! 

Thank you!!
about 5 years ago – Fri, Apr 05, 2019 at 12:43:43 AM

From the bottom of our hearts, THANK you so much for your support. This means the world to us, we can't believe so many people wanted to be part of our project and get these quirky townsfolk miniatures! 

After having unlocked the final Stretch Goal at 175.000 DKK, we added the Mini Stretch Goals. These ended up with the following results

  • 22 Mugs to be given to 22 random Noble backers
  • A total of 4+1 "Community Miniature Posters" to be drawn by Mustafa, based on your ideas. 

Thanks again everybody, we couldn't have made this possible without you. 

We'll be back next week with an update and we'll start getting the Pledge Manager ready next week as well!

We hope to have the Pledge Manager up in about 2 weeks, here you'll fill out your shipping address, choose what add-ons you wish, and Peasant + Villager Pledgers can choose which miniatures to receive, while all the rich, smug Noble pledgers can say "I'm getting all of them!" ;)

Much love from the Dunkeldorf team
       - Sonny, Mustafa, Nana & Nicki

Haelga, The Final Add-on & More
about 5 years ago – Thu, Apr 04, 2019 at 02:26:36 PM

We're in the final hours of the campaign, and we have a bit more to show you before the end! We'll continue to post updates in the months to come, showing more painted examples, production updates and so on. So there'll be plenty more updates before you receive your miniatures! 

Haelga Grimdottir

Nana has just finished painting Haelga, Dunkeldorf's official captain of the watch. She originates from the far north and has a hard time letting go of her viking'ish past. So her style is a mixture of her norse past and that of an official captain. 

Nana painted this version of Haelga in vibrant colours, but she's really looking forward to trying a more toned down scheme with darker hair and colours in general.  

The Final Add-on - Road Signs

You won't get much info about this Add-on right now, other than the artwork. More details on this will be available before the Pledge Manager goes live. What we can say is that it will be a set of three, cast in resin - We expect the price to be slightly higher than the Notice Board, but hopefully not by much. 

The first road sign, the one on the left, is meant as an urban sign, standing inside a city, showing street names - The actual signs on this one won't have any text on it and will not be attached to the pole. 

The middle one is more of a small notice board than a road sign. This one will have actual sculpted parchments on it as shown on the artwork. 

The road sign on the right is a rural version, standing outside of Dunkeldorf pointing in the direction of the town. This version will have Dunkeldorf written on the sign. Just like the first road sign, the sign/pointer will not be attached to the pole and we're hoping to include an additional sign without Dunkeldorf written on it, to those who would prefer to write their own town name. 

The Parchments

Sonny has sent me a picture of the Parchments for you to see. But, we have decided not to announce the price on these until the Pledge Manager is live, we might be able to get a few more into the mould than what is shown on this picture, so we want to be sure about all the details before announcing the price. 

We'll make sure that part of the Dunkeldorf funding goes towards getting Sonny a new ruler.. ;)
We'll make sure that part of the Dunkeldorf funding goes towards getting Sonny a new ruler.. ;)

Colette & Linus WIPs

WIPs from Sonny of Ludmilla's cat "Colette" and Linus Witzner. You can't see this on the picture of Linus, but he's holding a ring of keys on his back. Being Herman's manservant, he has access to his huge manor, and is always carrying these keys with him. 

Mini Stretch Goals
about 5 years ago – Wed, Apr 03, 2019 at 11:58:57 AM

175.000 DKK!  That means that we have unlocked ALL the Stretch Goals we have planned for our campaign. And in case you're wondering, during the campaign we have added several more Stretch Goals than we originally planned - Obviously due to the overwhelming support from all of you!

But to save our casters and our sculptor Sonny from having even more work to do after the campaign has ended, and potentially cause a delay to pledges being shipped out - We have decided not to add any last minute Stretch Goals. Hopefully you all feel that you're getting a good deal nonetheless :)

However, we want to add a bit more of fun to the last hours of the campaign, and have decided to add some "Mini Stretch Goals". 

We'll send out an update after the campaign with more information about both of these "Mini Stretch Goals". 

But regarding the Miniature Posters, we really like the idea of you guys giving input for these, so we have decided to start at 1, so we're 100% sure that we don't miss out on this little fun event! So if we reach 180.000 DKK, you'll get to vote for 2 posters and 3 posters at 185.000 etc. :)

More updates coming tomorrow, with the final Add-on of the campaign, a newly painted miniature from Nana and more WIP pictures from Sonny.